Hi, we’re Joe and Danielle. We like to learn things.

Danielle and Joe

We especially like to learn things that we want to know, but can’t easily find information about. We spend our free time learning so many things that we were running out of space in our memories for them.

Although there’s debate on the memory capacity of the human brain, we decided to play it safe and start recording some of the things we learn.


Since what sets humans apart from other known life is the ability to expand knowledge quickly, preserve gained knowledge, and build on past knowledge to obtain deeper insights, we decided to start sharing some of the things we learn.


 We don’t mind delving deep; and, if you’re inahurry, we hope that you can utilize our blog to learn new things without spending the crazy amounts of time digging for information that we do. If you’ve made it this far, you’ll probably like our blog, and if you’ve enjoyed reading this, you’ll definitely like our blog.

Joe Learning

We gratefully thank anyone whom has taken the time to read though this and get to know us a little bit more, and hope that our writings can not only save you some time, but also add a little more happiness to your lives.